Conrail is dedicated to providing transportation services in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. We are committed to protecting the environment, safety and health of the public, our customers and employees. Protecting the environment and human health is a fundamental corporate principle and the responsibility of each employee.
As a good business practice, Conrail recognizes that how we operate today lays the groudwork for prorecting our environment and natural resources for tomorrow. Therefore, Conrail strives to minimize the environmental impact our operations have on the communities in which we operate through compliance with environmental laws and regulations, development of internal policies and best practices, and implementation of innovative technologies.
Through management leadership. employee participation and professional environmental support, Conrail strives to provide our employees with the knowledge, training and tools needed to be responsible environmental stewards; implement effective pollution prevention and waster minimization programs; respond to all incidents immediately to minimize any environmental impact; and closely monitor all facilities for prevention of pollution.